Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Session 10- Technology Assessment and forecasting, predicting what comes next

This session is the most important session of all (in my opinion). That is, once student actually reads the readings and not focus too much on the all important topical reviews, they will realise it. Learning from the readings from school usually leads us to have knowledge and understanding, they tell us facts about society. This session talks about the skill sets that can be used to crack open the mystery of future of future technologies. It furthers the first objective of the TWC which is to equip us with a conceptual framework for intelligent thinking.
If we were to compare the usefulness of the concepts that we learn during TWC in this applicability into the future 10 years down the road, we will know that most of what we learn might be obsolete (I must clarify that these information we are learning is very useful indeed) but in the future most will have evolved into something bigger, something greater. The method of thinking, tools provided for us will still apply for generations to come. That is what I hope that I can drill into my system for this term. SKILLS SETS and TOOLS.
In today’s lesson, we had a special guest, another professor sitting in the class. Let me talk more about him first before talking about the lesson. From what I can gather, he is a job hopper, a slight pessimist and sometimes scare of technology, he fears his privacy and will clearly not support giving too much information out to the public. What I like about him is his openness and curiosity. I says a lot about the professor who is willing to humble himself and sit in another professor’s lecture. It also says a lot about the professor conducting the lecture.  In today’s lesson, we had many videos and a few very interesting quotes, we also talked about many interesting foresight methodology.
 The interesting thing about this lesson, I will classify it under quotes, videos and methodologies
“The empires of the future are the empires are in our mind.” By Winston Churchill does remind me of another quote: “Whatever you can conceive you can achieve” It all starts by dreaming. It is also interesting that the day actually starts in the evening. Going back into history, I know that evening begins the day. Then the night comes thats when you dream. When the sky breaks, you start your work. The idea I’m trying to get at is that you dream first before creating.
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it” by AlanKay. Another very inspirational quote for entrepreneurs of the future.
I like the parody because it’s funny and I found Siemen’s video very interesting because it is so vague. It seems to suggest that Siemen is the solution for everything, a good video to wathc when your high cause you’ll imagine about everything.
I particularly find the Delphi analysis interesting, asking different people question then piecing it together. It is a form of qualitative research. I shall go read up on it.
Quick takeaways from today’s lesson will be to focus on the future cause that’s where you are going to spend your life. Consider people’s emotions. The biggest take away: You need a lightning approach to innovation. The lightning comes from the sky and from the ground, they the 2 bolts meet, boom… innovation is created.
I will rate this class a 9/10. It excited me once again about the future technologies and gave me interesting tools to use.

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